Title : ( 3D spatial model of Biot’s effective stress coefficient using well logs, laboratory experiments, and geostatistical method in the Gachsaran oil field, southwest of Iran )
Authors: mohammadkazem amiri , Gholam Reza Lashkaripour , Siavash Ghabezloo , Naser Hafezi Moghaddas , Mojtaba Heidari Tajareh ,Access to full-text not allowed by authors
The knowledge of Biot’s effective stress coefficient is ofparticular importance to simulate the effects of pore pressure variations during reservoir depletion and injection operations. Direct experimental evaluation of this parameter can be limited by the availability of good quality cores. The experiments can also be expensive and time-consuming particularly in low- permeability formations. This paper presents a method to evaluate a 3D spatial model of Biot’s effective stress coefficient based on well logs and the empirical correlation between dynamic and static Young’s modulus in the wells. To estimate static Young’s modulus,uniaxialcompressiontestsareperformedonthecoresobtainedfromAsmarireservoirintheGachsaranoilfieldandthe correlationbetweenstaticanddynamicYoung’smoduliisestablished.Themineralvolumefractioninthewellsisobtainedfrom mineralogylogandvalidatedusingthin-sections,XRD,XRF,andSEMstudies.Bulkandsolidbulkmodulusareestimatedanda 1D model was built for 47 wells in the field, which is validated using two samples in one of the wells. An empirical relation has been obtained to estimate Biot’s effective stress from total porosity log. Then, a 3D spatial model of Biot’s effective stress coefficient has been presented by Sequential Gaussian Simulation -SGS- in the Gachsaran oil field, southwest of Iran.
Biot’s effective stress coefficient . Static and dynamic Young’s modulus. Bulk and solid bulk modulus . Sequential Gaussiansimulation@article{paperid:1072849,
author = {Amiri, Mohammadkazem and Lashkaripour, Gholam Reza and Siavash Ghabezloo and Hafezi Moghaddas, Naser and Mojtaba Heidari Tajareh},
title = {3D spatial model of Biot’s effective stress coefficient using well logs, laboratory experiments, and geostatistical method in the Gachsaran oil field, southwest of Iran},
journal = {Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment},
year = {2018},
month = {November},
issn = {1435-9529},
keywords = {Biot’s effective stress coefficient . Static and dynamic Young’s modulus. Bulk and solid bulk modulus . Sequential Gaussiansimulation},
%0 Journal Article
%T 3D spatial model of Biot’s effective stress coefficient using well logs, laboratory experiments, and geostatistical method in the Gachsaran oil field, southwest of Iran
%A Amiri, Mohammadkazem
%A Lashkaripour, Gholam Reza
%A Siavash Ghabezloo
%A Hafezi Moghaddas, Naser
%A Mojtaba Heidari Tajareh
%J Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment
%@ 1435-9529
%D 2018