AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, Volume (105), No (1), Year (2019-5) , Pages (9-14)

Title : ( Development a new wideband substrate integrated waveguide H-plane horn antenna loaded with periodically diamond patches )

Authors: Hojjat Jamshidi Zarmehri , Mohammad Hassan Neshati ,

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This paper presents a new wideband Substrate Integrated Waveguide -SIW- H-plane horn antenna. A few rows of diamond patches are printed on the top and bottom side of the dielectric slab at front of the radiating aperture of a conventional horn to improve impedance matching. The proposed antenna is numerically investigated using a software package and a prototype of the antenna is made to validate the obtained simulated results. The measured results show that the introduced antenna provides 22.7% impedance bandwidth, which covers from 20.8 GHz to 26.15 GHz with stable end-fire radiation patterns, while Side Lobe Level -SLL- is lower than 10 dB over the operating bandwidth.


, Horn antenna, Substrate integrated waveguide -SIW-, Side lobe level -SLL-