International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences, Volume (5), No (10), Year (2013-1) , Pages (1-10)

Title : ( An Investigation into the Behavior of Persian Multiple Interrogatives with Respect to the Superiority Effect )

Authors: Mohammad Reza Pahlavannezhad , Abolfazl Shahali ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


The goal of this study is to investigate the behavior of Persian multiple interrogatives with respect to the Superiority Effect -SE-. Regarding the fact that this investigation and the suggested analysis adopts Chomsky’s -1995, 2000, 2001b- Minimalist Program -MP-, the paper reviews and criticizes some studies concerning Persian -multiple- wh-movement and the effect of superiority on this type of movement. Contrary to Bošković\\\'s -1999- idea that focused languages do not exhibit the SE, it is shown that multiple wh-questions in Persian, a focus language, exhibit SEs. On the other hand, it is argued that Kahnemuyipour\\\'s -2001- argument fails to work because it does not posit some types of Persian multiple interrogatives as instances of Superiority Violation -SUV-. It is also argued that Kahnemuyipour\\\'s proposal cannot account for the sentences in which there is a wh-element in the subject position and thus in order to solve the problem, a syntactic license for SUVs in Persian is postulated.


, Multiple interrogatives, Superiority Effect, Focus language, Wh-movment, Wh-phrase, Minimalist Program
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author = {Pahlavannezhad, Mohammad Reza and Shahali, Abolfazl},
title = {An Investigation into the Behavior of Persian Multiple Interrogatives with Respect to the Superiority Effect},
journal = {International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences},
year = {2013},
volume = {5},
number = {10},
month = {January},
issn = {2251-838X},
pages = {1--10},
numpages = {9},
keywords = {Multiple interrogatives; Superiority Effect; Focus language; Wh-movment; Wh-phrase; Minimalist Program},


%0 Journal Article
%T An Investigation into the Behavior of Persian Multiple Interrogatives with Respect to the Superiority Effect
%A Pahlavannezhad, Mohammad Reza
%A Shahali, Abolfazl
%J International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences
%@ 2251-838X
%D 2013
