Title : ( Identification of the Oligocene-Miocene boundary in the Central Iran Basin (Qom Formation): calcareous nannofossil evidences )
Authors: Mohammad Parandavar , Fatemeh Hadavi ,Abstract
A diverse Late Oligocene to Early Miocene calcareous nannofossil assemblage was examined from the Qom Formation in the Central Iran Basin, and the Oligocene-Miocene boundary was identified based on the quantitative analysis of the assemblages in 303 smear slides. Eleven well-established calcareous nannofossil bio-events are delineated in the Upper Oligocene through Lower Miocene. The results clearly show that the Highest Occurrence (HO) of Sphenolithus delphix is the closest bio-event to the boundary as traditionally delineated on the lithostratigraphic criteria, and provides a distinct biohorizon below it. The Lowest Occurrence (LO) of the species Discoaster druggii is the oldest Miocene bio-event that is observed shortly after the HO of S. delphix, showing that calcareous nannofossils are well suited for approximating the Oligocene-Miocene boundary in the Qom Formation. The Oligocene-Miocene boundary is placed in the upper part of Sub-member “c1” in all three sections studied here and it is trace able through out the Central Iran Basin, which makes a potentially reliable marker horizon for sequence stratigraphic and hydrocarbon studies in the area.
, Oligocene-Miocene boundary, Calcareous nannofossil, Biohorizons, Central Iran Basin, Qom Formation, ʺc1ʺ member.@article{paperid:1075911,
author = {Parandavar, Mohammad and Hadavi, Fatemeh},
title = {Identification of the Oligocene-Miocene boundary in the Central Iran Basin (Qom Formation): calcareous nannofossil evidences},
journal = {Geological quarterely},
year = {2019},
month = {May},
issn = {1641-7291},
keywords = {Oligocene-Miocene boundary; Calcareous nannofossil; Biohorizons; Central Iran Basin; Qom Formation; ʺc1ʺ member.},
%0 Journal Article
%T Identification of the Oligocene-Miocene boundary in the Central Iran Basin (Qom Formation): calcareous nannofossil evidences
%A Parandavar, Mohammad
%A Hadavi, Fatemeh
%J Geological quarterely
%@ 1641-7291
%D 2019