Title : ( On modeling tool performance while machining aluminum-based metal matrix composites )
Authors: Usama Umer , Amir Ghandehariun ,Access to full-text not allowed by authors
Tool performance while machining aluminum-based metal matrix composites has been investigated by developing finite element models based on particle size and volume fraction of the workpiece. Two types of finite element models are developed, i.e., with and without cohesive elements. The effects of varying cutting speed, feed rate, volume fraction, and size of reinforcement particles on tool performance are investigated using both models. It has been found that models without cohesive zone element can predict cutting forces, tool stresses, and temperatures to a reasonable degree of accuracy. The increase in tool stresses and temperatures due to cutting speeds, feed rate, particle size, and volume fraction can be visualized with these models. Models based on cohesive elements can predict localized effect of particle debonding and failure on tool stresses and machined surface. It has been noticed that increase in particle size and cutting speed increases the effects of particle rolling and sliding on the tool face due to increase in kinetic energy resulting in high wear.