International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, ( ISI ), Volume (107), No (1), Year (2016-3) , Pages (235-241)

Title : ( On machining modeling of metal matrix composites: A novel comprehensive constitutive equation )

Authors: Amir Ghandehariun , H. Kishawy , M. Balazinski ,

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Exceptional mechanical characteristics make metal matrix composites (MMCs) a popular choice in various industries. However, the knowledge related to the behavior of MMCs during machining is very limited. This is mainly due to complications in mechanics of chip formation arising from existence of very hard reinforcements. This paper aims to improve the understanding of MMC’s behavior during cutting by developing a novel constitutive equation, which describes the explicit relationship between MMC’s behavior during cutting and its main unique features, namely reinforcement size and volume fraction. Comparison with machining experiments for various MMCs verifies the validity of the proposed model.


Metal matrix composite Constitutive equation Force model