sprrituality adn rieligion in the contemprory world , 2017-08-19

Title : ( inner peace and world peace : a glimpse at confessiional thoughts in contemprory rieligions )

Authors: Rasool Akbari ,

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One area of research in religious peacebuilding is the way spiritual teachings and practices within world religions can help promote inner peace which, in turn, is associated with global peace. Hence, in accordance with an extensive literature of studies into the spiritual motifs for peacebuilding, the present study aims to explore indigenous reflections on the dynamism between inner peace and world peace as embodied in the language of contemporary gurus, mystics, clerics and activists among various world religions. To accomplish this objective, at least two prominent figures are selected as from each of the five major world religions, i.e. Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Then, their understandings and interpretations of the way inner peace interacts with global peace are investigated.


, peace, contemporary thought, spirirituliity, rieigions