Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, ( ISI ), Volume (77), Year (2020-5) , Pages (103228-103241)

Title : ( Error behavior modeling in Capacitance-Resistance Model: A promotion to fast, reliable proxy for reservoir performance prediction )

Authors: Azadeh Mamghaderi , Babak Aminshahidy , Hamid Bazargan ,

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Using the original form of Capacitance-Resistance Model (CRM), as a waterflooding performance prediction tool, for modeling real reservoirs makes some unavoidable errors. Combination of this model with available data assimilation methods yields more powerful simulation tool with updating parameters over time. However, the inherent uncertainty arisen by modeling complex reservoirs with only a limited number of CRM parameters is not addressed yet. In this study, the model error behavior has been simulated through a physically-based dynamical system in which it has been correlated with the original model parameters. The ensemble-based Kalman filter (EnKF) data assimilation method has been employed to practice observation data. To show the validity of the developed CRM-Error system, we have employed it to replicate the data obtained from a synthetic model of an Iranian reservoir. Results show that acceptable ranges for the production rates have been achieved via this model in comparison with observed data.


, Model error, Stochastic methods, Reservoir simulation, Waterflooding, Data-assimilation approach
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {آزاده ممقادری and Aminshahidy, Babak and حمید بازرگان},
title = {Error behavior modeling in Capacitance-Resistance Model: A promotion to fast, reliable proxy for reservoir performance prediction},
journal = {Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering},
year = {2020},
volume = {77},
month = {May},
issn = {1875-5100},
pages = {103228--103241},
numpages = {13},
keywords = {Model error; Stochastic methods; Reservoir simulation; Waterflooding; Data-assimilation approach},


%0 Journal Article
%T Error behavior modeling in Capacitance-Resistance Model: A promotion to fast, reliable proxy for reservoir performance prediction
%A آزاده ممقادری
%A Aminshahidy, Babak
%A حمید بازرگان
%J Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering
%@ 1875-5100
%D 2020
