Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures, Volume (15), No (2), Year (2020-6) , Pages (301-308)

Title : ( On the capacity and depth of compact surfaces )

Authors: mahboubeh abbasi , Behrooz Mashayekhy Fard ,

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K. Borsuk in 1979, at the Topological Conference in Moscow, introduced the concept of capacity and depth of a compactum. In this paper we compute the capacity and depth of compact surfaces. We show that the capacity and depth of every compact orientable surface of genus g ≥ 0 is equal to g + 2. Also, we prove that the capacity and depth of a compact non-orientable surface of genus g > 0 is [ g/ 2] + 2.


, Capacity, Compact surface, Homotopy domination, Homotopy type, Eilenberg–MacLane space, Polyhedron