Title : ( Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function – adult version (BRIEF-A) in Iranian University students: Factor structure and relationship to depressive symptom severity )
Authors: saeed mohamadnia , Imanollah Bigdeli , Ali Mashhadi , Ali Ghanaei CHamanabad , Robert M. Roth ,Access to full-text not allowed by authors
Major depressive disorder is the most common psychiatric illness in Iran, and depression is common among university students in the country. The presence of depression is frequently associated with problems in executive functioning. The Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function-Adult Version (BRIEF-A) is a questionnaire measure designed to assess executive functioning in everyday life in clinical and non-clinical populations. Currently, there is limited empirical validation of the measure for use in Iran. This study evaluated the psychometric properties of a Persian-language BRIEF-A in a sample of Iranian university students (n = 300). The factor structure of the BRIEF-A was examined via a confirmatory factor analysis. We also evaluated whether BRIEF-A scores differed among university students varying in severity of depressive symptoms (Minimal, Mild, Moderate, Severe) as measured by the Beck Depression Inventory – II. Results indicated that a two-factor model structure best fit the data for the BRIEF-A. Acceptable internal consistency was also observed. Furthermore, poorer subjective executive functioning was endorsed by the three depressive subgroups relative to the Minimal symptoms group. Together, these findings support a two-factor model for the Persian translation of the BRIEF-A, and indicate that more severe depressive symptoms in Iranian university students is associated with worse subjective executive functioning.