IET Signal Processing, ( ISI ), Volume (14), No (8), Year (2020-10) , Pages (551-559)

Title : ( Copula based performance analysis for one‐hoping relay channel in wireless ad hoc network with correlated fading channels )

Authors: Farshad Rostamighadi , Ghosheh Abed Hodtani ,

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A wireless ad hoc network consisting of one-hoping relay channel and some interfering nodes with possible arbitrary correlation between wireless channels coefficients is studied. By exploiting a novel approach called Copula theory, enabling usto describe joint probability distribution function for arbitrarily correlated random variables, the authors derive a closed-formexpression for success probability in different dependence structures of channels. Specifically, by applying the Farlie–Gumbel–Morgenstern (FGM) Copula and the popular Archimedean (Clayton, Gumbel, and Frank) Copulas, they analyse the networkperformance in terms of success probability, and show that the channels correlation improves the performance of success probability so that whenever the dependence structure tends to higher values, the performance improvement is increased.Besides, it is found that the investigation of channel correlation effects by FGM Copula is more tangible compared toArchimedean Copulas. Finally, the efficiency of the analytical results is illustrated numerically


, copula based analysis, one hoping relay channel, correlation between wireless channels coefficients, success probability
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author = {Rostamighadi, Farshad and Abed Hodtani, Ghosheh},
title = {Copula based performance analysis for one‐hoping relay channel in wireless ad hoc network with correlated fading channels},
journal = {IET Signal Processing},
year = {2020},
volume = {14},
number = {8},
month = {October},
issn = {1751-9675},
pages = {551--559},
numpages = {8},
keywords = {copula based analysis-one hoping relay channel- correlation between wireless channels coefficients-success probability},


%0 Journal Article
%T Copula based performance analysis for one‐hoping relay channel in wireless ad hoc network with correlated fading channels
%A Rostamighadi, Farshad
%A Abed Hodtani, Ghosheh
%J IET Signal Processing
%@ 1751-9675
%D 2020
