European Congress of Psychiatry , 2013-04-06

Title : ( Comparison of errors committed by psychotic patients in neuropsychological Bender_Gestalt test )

Authors: Seyed Ruhollah Hosseini ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


Objective The purpose of this study is to compare the performance of psychotic patients in neuropsychological “Bender_Gestalt” test. Method The clinical symptoms of 97 psychotic patients (49 schizophrenics, 25 bipolar and 23 psychotics due to substance) and their performance in “Bender Gestalt” test were assessed through the administration of positive and negative symptoms scale (PANSS) and demographic data. Results One-way ANOVA between the three diagnostic groups in terms of errors committed by psychotic patients showed no significant differences. Post-hoc “Tukey’s test” also yielded the same results, thus three diagnostic groups can be placed in a match group in terms of overall errors. Conclusions The findings revealed evidence that the pattern of errors committed by patients was correlated differently with demographic and clinical variables in all three diagnostic groups. According to these findings treatment and rehabilitation of psychotic patients can be executed more precisely.


, Bender-Gestalt, Neuropsychology, Psychosis
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author = {Hosseini, Seyed Ruhollah},
title = {Comparison of errors committed by psychotic patients in neuropsychological Bender_Gestalt test},
booktitle = {European Congress of Psychiatry},
year = {2013},
location = {french},
keywords = {Bender-Gestalt; Neuropsychology; Psychosis},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T Comparison of errors committed by psychotic patients in neuropsychological Bender_Gestalt test
%A Hosseini, Seyed Ruhollah
%J European Congress of Psychiatry
%D 2013
