Steel Research International, ( ISI ), Volume (89), No (7), Year (2018-7) , Pages (1700559-1700569)

Title : ( Effect of Micro‐Alloy Elements on Dynamic Recrystallization Behavior of a High‐Manganese Steel )

Authors: H. Ezatpour , M.T. parizi , GHolam Reza Ebrahimi , A. Momeni ,

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In this research, the hot deformation behavior and dynamic recrystallization (DRX) of strategic Nb and V‐bearing high‐Mn steels are investigated. Therefore, the hot compression tests are performed at temperature range of 850–1150 °C with temperature interval of 100 °C and strain rates of 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, and 1 s−1. The peak stress, temperature, and strain rate for steels are related by the hyperbolic sine function and the average activation energies for high Mn‐steel, V‐bearing steel and Nb‐bearing steel are obtained 495, 510, and 433 kJ mol−1. The peak stress‐temperature plots show the higher peak stress for Nb bearing steel due to finer initial grains and the presence of NbC precipitates in microstructure. Microstructure results show that DRX as necklace structure is the main mechanism of work softening during process for steels whiles the start of DRX for Nb‐bearing steel is occurred at lower strains than other steels.


, hot deformation, dynamic recrystallization, high‐Mn steels
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {H. Ezatpour and M.T. Parizi and Ebrahimi, GHolam Reza and A. Momeni},
title = {Effect of Micro‐Alloy Elements on Dynamic Recrystallization Behavior of a High‐Manganese Steel},
journal = {Steel Research International},
year = {2018},
volume = {89},
number = {7},
month = {July},
issn = {1611-3683},
pages = {1700559--1700569},
numpages = {10},
keywords = {hot deformation; dynamic recrystallization; high‐Mn steels},


%0 Journal Article
%T Effect of Micro‐Alloy Elements on Dynamic Recrystallization Behavior of a High‐Manganese Steel
%A H. Ezatpour
%A M.T. Parizi
%A Ebrahimi, GHolam Reza
%A A. Momeni
%J Steel Research International
%@ 1611-3683
%D 2018
