8th National Congress of New Finds in English Language Studies , 2020-09-21

Title : ( Twinning Comparative Literature and Arab Diaspora )

Authors: Estabraq Altharwanee , Azra Ghandeharion , Ahmad Reza Heidaryan Shahri , Alborz Ghandehari ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


The present article seeks to investigate the phenomenon of Arab diaspora through a comparative lens. Accordingly, the novels of two different contemporary female writers have been chosen including Susan Abulhawa and Inaam Kachachi in order to be analyzed through the American comparative school and diaspora theory. This study aims to prove the way these two novelists are inextricably linked to their lost homes. So far, there have been no similar studies bringing the respective authors together, moreover, there has not been any study regarding the comparative analysis of Abulhawa and Kachachi in the realm of diaspora. As such, this article tries to fill the gaps of previous studies by assimilating the diaspora theory into the political and historical realms. For achieving this aim, Faist’s (2010) three phases of diaspora, Said’s (2000) concept of exile, and Jost’s (1974) four criteria of the American school are going to be adopted. Through this combination, this study will illustrate the similarities and differences between Abulhawa and Kachachi in writing about their homeland.


, Arab diaspora, comparative literature, exile, home(land), integration
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Altharwanee, Estabraq and Ghandeharion, Azra and Heidaryan Shahri, Ahmad Reza and البرز قندهاری},
title = {Twinning Comparative Literature and Arab Diaspora},
booktitle = {8th National Congress of New Finds in English Language Studies},
year = {2020},
location = {تهران, IRAN},
keywords = {Arab diaspora; comparative literature; exile; home(land); integration},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T Twinning Comparative Literature and Arab Diaspora
%A Altharwanee, Estabraq
%A Ghandeharion, Azra
%A Heidaryan Shahri, Ahmad Reza
%A البرز قندهاری
%J 8th National Congress of New Finds in English Language Studies
%D 2020
