Biomaterials Science, Volume (9), No (5), Year (2021-1) , Pages (1503-1529)

Title : ( Smart metal organic frameworks: focus on cancer treatment )

Authors: Monireh Falsafi , Amir SHokooh Saljooghi , Khalil Abnous , Seyed Mohammad Taghdisi , Mohammad Ramezani , Mona Alibolandi ,

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Metal–organic frameworks (MOFs), as a prominent category of hybrid porous materials constructed from metal clusters or ions with organic linkers, have been broadly employed as controlled systems of drug delivery due to their inherent interesting properties. These properties, such as high loading capability and tremendous biocompatibility, offer an exceptional opportunity for the treatment of cancer. In this review, we focus on the latest advancement of smart MOFs as systems of drug delivery for cancer treatment, diagnosis or both (theranostics). Furthermore, different methods and strategies for synthesizing smart MOFs with various mechanisms of drug release under diverse stimuli, such as pH, temperature, redox, magnetic field, enzyme, and light, were summarized and discussed. The current review helps in a better understanding of smart MOFs systems that would be useful for their smart design toward medical applications.


, Metal organic frameworks, cancer treatment
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Monireh Falsafi and SHokooh Saljooghi, Amir and Khalil Abnous and Seyed Mohammad Taghdisi and Mohammad Ramezani and Mona Alibolandi},
title = {Smart metal organic frameworks: focus on cancer treatment},
journal = {Biomaterials Science},
year = {2021},
volume = {9},
number = {5},
month = {January},
issn = {2047-4830},
pages = {1503--1529},
numpages = {26},
keywords = {Metal organic frameworks; cancer treatment},


%0 Journal Article
%T Smart metal organic frameworks: focus on cancer treatment
%A Monireh Falsafi
%A SHokooh Saljooghi, Amir
%A Khalil Abnous
%A Seyed Mohammad Taghdisi
%A Mohammad Ramezani
%A Mona Alibolandi
%J Biomaterials Science
%@ 2047-4830
%D 2021
