Journal of Applied Polymer Science, ( ISI ), Volume (138), No (18), Year (2021-5)

Title : ( Biodegradable membrane based on polycaprolactone/polybutylene succinate: Characterization and performance evaluation in wastewater treatment )

Authors: azadeh sadeghi , Seyed Mahmoud Mousavi ,

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Biodegradable membranes with different compositions of polycaprolactone (PCL) and polybutylene succinate (PBS) are prepared via immersion precipitation. The morphology, hydrophilicity, chemical structure, crystalline structure, mechanical properties, and biodegradability of the membranes are studied to assess the effect of PBS concentration in the polymer blend on membrane properties. Furthermore, the performance of the obtained membranes is assessed through the treatment of wastewater sampled from the chips and snacks factory. Also, membranes\\\' antifouling properties are assessed by filtration of a model foulant. The investigations revealed that the addition of PBS to PCL increases the membrane hydrophilicity and biodegradability. Regarding the results, the PCL membrane blended with 30 wt% PBS has 106%, 26%, and 37% higher pure water flux, flux recovery ratio, and permeate flux, in addition to the higher rejection of pollution indices, in comparison with the PCL membrane.


, biodegradable, blends, membranes, separation techniques
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author = {Sadeghi, Azadeh and Mousavi, Seyed Mahmoud},
title = {Biodegradable membrane based on polycaprolactone/polybutylene succinate: Characterization and performance evaluation in wastewater treatment},
journal = {Journal of Applied Polymer Science},
year = {2021},
volume = {138},
number = {18},
month = {May},
issn = {0021-8995},
keywords = {biodegradable; blends; membranes; separation techniques},


%0 Journal Article
%T Biodegradable membrane based on polycaprolactone/polybutylene succinate: Characterization and performance evaluation in wastewater treatment
%A Sadeghi, Azadeh
%A Mousavi, Seyed Mahmoud
%J Journal of Applied Polymer Science
%@ 0021-8995
%D 2021
