IEEE Letters on Electromagnetic Compatibility Practice and Applications, Volume (3), No (1), Year (2021-3) , Pages (29-33)

Title : ( Decreasing the Loading Effect of the TVS Diode Using a Transmission Line for RF and Microwave Applications )

Authors: Emadoddin Zia Khodadadian , Mojtaba Joodaki ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


In this letter, a new method for decreasing the loading effect of the transient voltage suppressor (TVS) diode has been presented and its technical details are studied under the immunity standard of IEC61000-4-2. In our approach a transmission line with a specific electrical length is employed to convert the TVS diode impedance to a significant impedance at the operating frequency. As a result, the TVS diode does not have any destructive effect on the RF specifications. In addition to the simulation using ADS software, a test circuit is fabricated on a RO4003 substrate. The simulated and measured S11 and S21 show appropriate frequency responses. However, by applying the proposed method, a parasitic inductance in the discharge path is created that can cause significant overshoot voltages during an electrostatic discharge event. In order to handle this shortcoming, the impact of this inductance is well studied using ADS and CST software and two techniques are introduced to minimize the overshoot voltages.


, Transient voltage suppressor diode, electrostatic discharge, discharge path, overshoot voltage, transmission line, parasitic cancellation method.
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author = {Zia Khodadadian, Emadoddin and Joodaki, Mojtaba},
title = {Decreasing the Loading Effect of the TVS Diode Using a Transmission Line for RF and Microwave Applications},
journal = {IEEE Letters on Electromagnetic Compatibility Practice and Applications},
year = {2021},
volume = {3},
number = {1},
month = {March},
issn = {2637-6423},
pages = {29--33},
numpages = {4},
keywords = {Transient voltage suppressor diode; electrostatic discharge; discharge path; overshoot voltage; transmission line; parasitic cancellation method.},


%0 Journal Article
%T Decreasing the Loading Effect of the TVS Diode Using a Transmission Line for RF and Microwave Applications
%A Zia Khodadadian, Emadoddin
%A Joodaki, Mojtaba
%J IEEE Letters on Electromagnetic Compatibility Practice and Applications
%@ 2637-6423
%D 2021
