Physical Review D, ( ISI ), Volume (103), No (6), Year (2021-3)

Title : ( Relativistic tidal accelerations in the exterior Schwarzschild spacetime )

Authors: Mahmood Roshan , Bahram Mashhoon ,

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We study further a general-relativistic mechanism for the acquisition of tidal energy by free test particles near a gravitationally collapsed configuration. Specifically, we investigate the solutions of the timelike geodesic equation in a Fermi normal coordinate system established about the world line of an accelerated observer that remains spatially at rest in the exterior Schwarzschild spacetime. Such static observers in effect define the rest frame of the collapsed source. The gain in tidal energy is due to local spacetime curvature. Previous work in this direction in connection with astrophysical jets involved geodesic motion along the Kerr rotation axis where outward-moving particles could be tidally accelerated to almost the speed of light if their initial speed, as measured by the reference observer, is above a certain threshold escape velocity. We focus here for simplicity on the exterior Schwarzschild spacetime and show that the effective tidal acceleration to near the speed of light can occur for geodesic motion in certain radially outward directions. The implications of these results for the physics of gravitationally collapsed systems are briefly discussed.


, General relativity, Tidal acceleration
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author = {Roshan, Mahmood and Bahram Mashhoon},
title = {Relativistic tidal accelerations in the exterior Schwarzschild spacetime},
journal = {Physical Review D},
year = {2021},
volume = {103},
number = {6},
month = {March},
issn = {2470-0010},
keywords = {General relativity; Tidal acceleration},


%0 Journal Article
%T Relativistic tidal accelerations in the exterior Schwarzschild spacetime
%A Roshan, Mahmood
%A Bahram Mashhoon
%J Physical Review D
%@ 2470-0010
%D 2021
