Title : ( The study and comparison of elastic modulus of pineapple fruit in macroscopic and microscopic modes )
Authors: Rasool Khodabakhshian kargar , mahshid hasani ,Access to full-text not allowed by authors
According to bibliography, elastic modulus studies of agricultural produce at the macroscale using a resistance measuring (as Magness-Taylor penetration test or compression test) by an Instron Universal Mechanical Testing Machine is often used to express this characteristic. However, the determination of the elastic properties of agricultural produce at the macro-scale result widely varying values for a particular agricultural produce. So in this study, to decrease the variability which now exists in the elastic modulus results of agricultural produce measured at the macro-scale, measuring and comparison of the elastic modulus of agricultural produce, pineapple fruit as case study, in macroscopic (by Hook\\\'s theory on the cylindrical specimen and Hertz theory in the mode of spherical indenter contact on the whole specimen) and microscopic (by atomic force microscopy) modes was investigate. There is concluded that with changing the type of theory, the behavior of the elastic modulus changes significantly at a 1% level. In microscopic mode studies, the lowest elastic modulus (0.135 MPa) was obtained by using Hertz theory in the mode of spherical indenter contact on the whole specimen while the highest elastic modulus value (0.779 MPa) was seen by using Hook\\\'s theory on the cylindrical specimen. In microscopic mode studies, the Sneddon model had the lowest elastic modulus while Hertzian model showed the highest elastic modulus value. Consequently, due to some reasons such as complex shape of most agricultural produce, assumptions required for three elastic theories of contacting bodies in macroscopic mode, complex structure and viscoelastic behavior of agricultural produce, it is found that the variability of the information can be reduced at micro-scale, or, to a lesser extent.