2021spring conference of the Korean society of visualization , 2021-05-20

Title : ( Numerical simulation and PIV measurement of flow field in a pipe fitted with V-shape baffles )

Authors: Sajjad Hosseini , Mohammad Parsa Ghofrani Maab , Kyung Chun Kim ,

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The flow field of the pipe fitted by V-shape baffles are analyzed experimentally and numerically. The flow field measured by particle image velocimetry.


, Numerical simulation, PIV measurement, flow field, pipe fitted, V-shape baffles
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {سجاد حسینی and Ghofrani Maab, Mohammad Parsa and کیون چون کیم},
title = {Numerical simulation and PIV measurement of flow field in a pipe fitted with V-shape baffles},
booktitle = {2021spring conference of the Korean society of visualization},
year = {2021},
location = {Daejeon, south korea},
keywords = {Numerical simulation; PIV measurement; flow field; pipe fitted; V-shape baffles},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T Numerical simulation and PIV measurement of flow field in a pipe fitted with V-shape baffles
%A سجاد حسینی
%A Ghofrani Maab, Mohammad Parsa
%A کیون چون کیم
%J 2021spring conference of the Korean society of visualization
%D 2021
