Sustainable Cities and Society, Volume (72), Year (2021-9) , Pages (103046-103046)

Title : ( Role of different types of nanomaterials against diagnosis, prevention and therapy of COVID-19 )

Authors: Ferial Ghaemi , Amirhassan Amiri , Mohd Yazid Bajuri , Nor Yuliana Yuhana , Massimiliano Ferrara ,

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In 2019, a novel type of coronavirus emerged in China called SARS-COV-2, known COVID-19, threatens global health and possesses negative impact on people\\\'s quality of life, leading to an urgent need for its diagnosis and remedy. On the other hand, the presence of hazardous infectious waste led to the increase of the risk of transmitting the virus by individuals and by hospitals during the COVID-19 pandemic. Hence, in this review, we survey previous researches on nanomaterials that can be effective for guiding strategies to deal with the current COVID-19 pandemic and also decrease the hazardous infectious waste in the environment. We highlight the contribution of nanomaterials that possess potential to therapy, prevention, detect targeted virus proteins and also can be useful for large population screening, for the development of environmental sensors and filters. Besides, we investigate the possibilities of employing the nanomaterials in antiviral research and treatment development, examining the role of nanomaterials in antiviral- drug design, including the importance of nanomaterials in drug delivery and vaccination, and for the production of medical equipment. Nanomaterials-based technologies not only contribute to the ongoing SARS- CoV-2 research efforts but can also provide platforms and tools for the understanding, protection, detection and treatment of future viral diseases.


, COVID, 19; Nanomaterials; Prevention; Detection; Therapy
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Ferial Ghaemi and Amiri, Amirhassan and Mohd Yazid Bajuri and Nor Yuliana Yuhana and Massimiliano Ferrara},
title = {Role of different types of nanomaterials against diagnosis, prevention and therapy of COVID-19},
journal = {Sustainable Cities and Society},
year = {2021},
volume = {72},
month = {September},
issn = {2210-6707},
pages = {103046--103046},
numpages = {0},
keywords = {COVID-19; Nanomaterials; Prevention; Detection; Therapy},


%0 Journal Article
%T Role of different types of nanomaterials against diagnosis, prevention and therapy of COVID-19
%A Ferial Ghaemi
%A Amiri, Amirhassan
%A Mohd Yazid Bajuri
%A Nor Yuliana Yuhana
%A Massimiliano Ferrara
%J Sustainable Cities and Society
%@ 2210-6707
%D 2021
