Separation and Purification Technology, ( ISI ), Volume (279), No (9), Year (2021-12) , Pages (119788-119799)

Title : ( Highly efficient clean water production: Reduced graphene oxide/ graphitic carbon nitride/wood )

Authors: Mahdi Karimi , Elaheh Kafshdare Goharshadi , Roya Mehrkhah , maryam davardoost ,

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Herein, a multifunction system was designed for water purification. Reduced graphene oxide (RGO) and graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4) nanosheets were deposited on poplar wood to prepare the double-layer multifunctional nanoplatforms for use in a solar steam generation (SSG) of seawater, photodegradation of an organic pollutant (RB5 azo dye), and sorption of Pb (II) from aqueous solutions. The solar steam flux of 4.78 kg m− 2h− 1 was achieved by RGO/g-C3N4/wood under 3 kW m− 2, respectively. High performance of RGO/g-C3N4/ wood device is due to the broadband harvesting of solar energy of RGO/g-C3N4 as a photothermal material and channeled structure, low thermal conductivity (TC), and hydrophilic nature of wood as a substrate. The durability test showed a stable performance of RGO/g-C3N4/wood photoabsorber for 30 cycles. The total cost of solar water evaporation of RGO4/g-C3N4/wood was calculated to be 0.08 USD/(cm3 h− 1) which is significantly more cost-effective than other previous reports. RGO/g-C3N4/wood as an efficient photocatalyst degraded completely RB5. g-C3N4 plays the main role in the photodegradation of dye and RGO improves its photocatalytic performance by slowing the electron/hole recombination. Also, RGO/g-C3N4/wood as a sorbent adsorbed completely Pb (II) from aqueous solutions.


, Solar steam generation Poplar wood RGO/g, C3N4 Photocatalytic degradation Sorption
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author = {Karimi, Mahdi and Kafshdare Goharshadi, Elaheh and Mehrkhah, Roya and Davardoost, Maryam},
title = {Highly efficient clean water production: Reduced graphene oxide/ graphitic carbon nitride/wood},
journal = {Separation and Purification Technology},
year = {2021},
volume = {279},
number = {9},
month = {December},
issn = {1383-5866},
pages = {119788--119799},
numpages = {11},
keywords = {Solar steam generation Poplar wood RGO/g-C3N4 Photocatalytic degradation Sorption},


%0 Journal Article
%T Highly efficient clean water production: Reduced graphene oxide/ graphitic carbon nitride/wood
%A Karimi, Mahdi
%A Kafshdare Goharshadi, Elaheh
%A Mehrkhah, Roya
%A Davardoost, Maryam
%J Separation and Purification Technology
%@ 1383-5866
%D 2021
