Journal of Stored Products Research, Volume (92), Year (2021-5) , Pages (101800-101809)

Title : ( Computer-vision classification of corn seed varieties using deep convolutional neural network )

Authors: ShimaJavanmardi , Seyed Hassan Miraei Ashtiani , Fons J.Verbeek , AlexMartynenko ,

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Automated classification of seed varieties is of paramount importance for seed producers to maintain the purity of a variety and crop yield. Traditional approaches based on computer vision and simple feature extraction could not guarantee high accuracy classification. This paper presents a new approach using a deep convolutional neural network (CNN) as a generic feature extractor. The extracted features were classified with artificial neural network (ANN), cubic support vector machine (SVM), quadratic SVM, weighted k-nearest-neighbor (kNN), boosted tree, bagged tree, and linear discriminant analysis (LDA). Models trained with CNN-extracted features demonstrated better classification accuracy of corn seed varieties than models based on only simple features. The CNN-ANN classifier showed the best performance, classifying 2250 test instances in 26.8 s with classification accuracy 98.1%, precision 98.2%, recall 98.1%, and F1-score 98.1%. This study demonstrates that the CNN-ANN classifier is an efficient tool for the intelligent classification of different corn seed varieties.


, Machine vision Deep learning Feature extraction Non, handcrafted features Texture descriptors
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {ShimaJavanmardi and Miraei Ashtiani, Seyed Hassan and Fons J.Verbeek and AlexMartynenko},
title = {Computer-vision classification of corn seed varieties using deep convolutional neural network},
journal = {Journal of Stored Products Research},
year = {2021},
volume = {92},
month = {May},
issn = {0022-474X},
pages = {101800--101809},
numpages = {9},
keywords = {Machine vision Deep learning Feature extraction Non-handcrafted features Texture descriptors},


%0 Journal Article
%T Computer-vision classification of corn seed varieties using deep convolutional neural network
%A ShimaJavanmardi
%A Miraei Ashtiani, Seyed Hassan
%A Fons J.Verbeek
%A AlexMartynenko
%J Journal of Stored Products Research
%@ 0022-474X
%D 2021
