Applied Surface Science, ( ISI ), Volume (465), Year (2019-1) , Pages (846-862)

Title : ( Three-dimensional Ni-Co alloy hierarchical nanostructure as efficient non-noble-metal electrocatalyst for hydrogen evolution reaction )

Authors: Ghasem Barati Darband , M. Aliofkhazraei , A. Sabour Rouhaghdam , M.A. Kiani ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


Hydrogen is an ideal energy carrier with ultrahigh energy value that is believed to be the best candidate for replacement for fossil fuel. Thus, fabrication of novel materials and structures for this purpose is one of the important challenges of our times. In this study, Ni-Co nanocones as new structure was fabricated by electrodeposition method in the bath containing crystal modifier and electrocatalytic activity of these structures for HER was studied in 1.0 M KOH solution. Scanning electron microscope (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) method and Atomic force microscopy (AFM) were used for physical characterization. Linear sweep voltammetry (LSV), electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and Chronopotentiometry were used for electrocatalytic activity evaluations. Fabricated Ni-Co alloy nanocones exhibited an enhanced electrocatalytic activity for HER. Best electrocatalytic activity was obtained for alloy prepared at Ni/Co salts ratio of about 8, in which η10 = −107 mV, η20 = −142 mV and η100 = −198 mV. This remarkable activity is mainly attributed to the high surface area of the nanocones and also synergistic effect between Ni and Co while decreasing the bubble resistance as a result of fabrication of nanocones. Additionally, the Ni-Co alloy catalyst displayed good durability and affords long-term electrolysis without activity degradation. This study offers a facile fabrication method for in situ growth of 3-D electrocatalyst and also provide deep insight into the relationship between active surface area, intrinsic catalytic activity and catalytic properties.


Renewable energyElectrocatalysisHydrogen evolution reactionNanocones structure
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Barati Darband, Ghasem and M. Aliofkhazraei and A. Sabour Rouhaghdam and M.A. Kiani},
title = {Three-dimensional Ni-Co alloy hierarchical nanostructure as efficient non-noble-metal electrocatalyst for hydrogen evolution reaction},
journal = {Applied Surface Science},
year = {2019},
volume = {465},
month = {January},
issn = {0169-4332},
pages = {846--862},
numpages = {16},
keywords = {Renewable energyElectrocatalysisHydrogen evolution reactionNanocones structure},


%0 Journal Article
%T Three-dimensional Ni-Co alloy hierarchical nanostructure as efficient non-noble-metal electrocatalyst for hydrogen evolution reaction
%A Barati Darband, Ghasem
%A M. Aliofkhazraei
%A A. Sabour Rouhaghdam
%A M.A. Kiani
%J Applied Surface Science
%@ 0169-4332
%D 2019
