Heat Transfer, Volume (51), No (3), Year (2022-5) , Pages (2688-2701)

Title : ( Experimental investigation on frequency pulsation effects on a single pass plate heat exchanger performance )

Authors: AMINA HMOUD DHAEF ALIKHAN , Mohammad Javad Maghrebi ,

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This paper investigates combined heat transfer improvement methods. These methods include introducing pulsating flow, adding nanofluids, and manipulating the flow\\\\\\\'s characteristics in a corrugated plate heat exchanger. Tests are carried out with multi‐walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT), graphene nanoplate (GNP), and a mixture of GNP and MWCNT meeting the requirement of 0.01% nanofluids volume fraction and exposed to pulsation. Results demonstrated that the use of pulsating frequencies from 0 to 30 Hz of GNP‐water, MIX nanofluids–water, and MWCNT–water nanofluids with a constant concentration of 0.01 wt% leads to a significant improvement in heat transfer. Using pure water at frequency f = 0 Hz as a benchmark, the Nusselt number of the mixture nanofluid increases by 15.2%, 27.5%, 40.4%, and 52.8% with the increase of frequency pulsation from 0 to 30 Hz with a slight effect on the pressure‐drop at this low used constant nanofluid concentration = 0.01%. The highest Nusselt number value for GNP‐water nanofluid improved by an amount of 58.3% at the highest frequency compared with pure water at f = 0 Hz.


, graphene nanoplate, heat transfer, mixture nanofluids, multi‐walled carbon nanotubes, pulsating flow
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author = {ALIKHAN, AMINA HMOUD DHAEF and Maghrebi, Mohammad Javad},
title = {Experimental investigation on frequency pulsation effects on a single pass plate heat exchanger performance},
journal = {Heat Transfer},
year = {2022},
volume = {51},
number = {3},
month = {May},
issn = {2688-4534},
pages = {2688--2701},
numpages = {13},
keywords = {graphene nanoplate; heat transfer; mixture nanofluids; multi‐walled carbon nanotubes; pulsating flow},


%0 Journal Article
%T Experimental investigation on frequency pulsation effects on a single pass plate heat exchanger performance
%A Maghrebi, Mohammad Javad
%J Heat Transfer
%@ 2688-4534
%D 2022
