1st International and 8th National Conference of Rangeland Management in Iran , 2021-07-14

عنوان : ( Challenges in Evaluating the Statistics of Animal Unit and Rangeland-Dependent livestock in Iran )

نویسندگان: علیرضا خوانین زاده , میرجلیلی , محمد فرزام , بهمن باباخانلو ,
فایل: Full Text

استناددهی: BibTeX | EndNote


Abstract: One of the main challenges is lack of update statistics related to dependent rangeland livestock in Iran. Therefore, in this study, in order to evaluate the dependent rangeland livestock, different statistics from various sources such as statistics center, rural population, slaughter statistics, livestock feed requirement reports, were used and evaluated. On the other hand, the population of rangeland nomads has been evaluated during last decades based on its importance role in the rangeland sector. Livestock statistics of the Forests, Rangelands and Watershed Management Organization vary between 80 to 120 million, Veterinary Organization 50 million, nomadic livestock 23 million animal units and according to the livestock slaughter statistics it is estimated to be 60 million animal units. Also, it is estimated to be 19 million animal units based on imported livestock feed. Finally, due to the statistical discrepancy in this section, the importance of up-to-date statistics in livestock management of rangelands and national programs and meat and by- products, some appropriate methods is discussed for providing update statistics of rangeland-dependent livestock to provide uniform statistics for livestock and rangeland planning and management.

کلمات کلیدی

Forests; Nomads; Livestock Slaughter; Animal Unit; Livestock Statistics
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {علیرضا خوانین زاده and میرجلیلی and فرزام, محمد and بهمن باباخانلو},
title = {Challenges in Evaluating the Statistics of Animal Unit and Rangeland-Dependent livestock in Iran},
booktitle = {1st International and 8th National Conference of Rangeland Management in Iran},
year = {2021},
location = {مشهد, ايران},
keywords = {Forests; Nomads; Livestock Slaughter; Animal Unit; Livestock Statistics},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T Challenges in Evaluating the Statistics of Animal Unit and Rangeland-Dependent livestock in Iran
%A علیرضا خوانین زاده
%A میرجلیلی
%A فرزام, محمد
%A بهمن باباخانلو
%J 1st International and 8th National Conference of Rangeland Management in Iran
%D 2021
