2008 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo , 2008-06-23

Title : ( Sub-optimal MMSE based joint source/channel decoding of a matching pursuit coded image bit-stream over a memoryless noisy channel )

Authors: Abbas Ebrahimi Moghadam , Shahram Shirani ,

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Joint source/channel (JSC) decoding based on using the residual redundancy in a source coder output stream is an interesting bandwidth efficient method of reducing the effects of a noisy channel. In this paper, we consider the problem of JSC decoding of a matching pursuit (MP) based image transmission over a memory-less noisy channel. This problem is solved by means of MMSE decoding formulation for a sequence of received analysis indices, and a sub-optimal solution which yields high quality error concealment is devised. The proposed method exploits the residual redundancy that exists in neighboring image blocks as well as the neighboring MP analysis stages to overcome the channel noise degradations with no increase in the required bandwidth.


, matching pursuit algorithm, combined source-channel coding, image coding, least mean squares methods