Nature Chemistry, Volume (14), No (10), Year (2022-10) , Pages (1103-1109)

Title : ( In situ electrochemical recomposition of decomposed redox-active species in aqueous organic flow batteries )

Authors: Yang Jing , Evan Wenbo Zhao , Marc-Antoni Goulet , Meisam Bahari , Eric M. Fell , Shijian Jin , Ali Davoodi , Erlendur Jonsson , Min Wu , Clare P. Grey , Roy G. Gordon , Aziz Michel J. ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


Aqueous organic redox flow batteries offer a safe and potentially inexpensive solution to the problem of storing massive amounts of electricity produced from intermittent renewables. However, molecular decomposition represents a major barrier to commercialization—and although structural modifications can improve stability, it comes at the expense of synthetic cost and molecular weight. Now, utilizing 2,6-dihydroxy-anthraquinone (DHAQ) without further structural modification, we demonstrate that the regeneration of the original molecule after decomposition represents a viable route to achieve low-cost, long-lifetime aqueous organic redox flow batteries. We used in situ (online) NMR and electron paramagnetic resonance, and complementary electrochemical analyses to show that the decomposition compound 2,6-dihydroxy-anthrone (DHA) and its tautomer, 2,6-dihydroxy-anthranol (DHAL) can be recomposed to DHAQ electrochemically through two steps: oxidation of DHA(L)2− to the dimer (DHA)24− by one-electron transfer followed by oxidation of (DHA)24− to DHAQ2− by three-electron transfer per DHAQ molecule. This electrochemical regeneration process also rejuvenates the positive electrolyte—rebalancing the states of charge of both electrolytes without introducing extra ions.


Electrochemistry Battery
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Yang Jing and Evan Wenbo Zhao and Marc-Antoni Goulet and Meisam Bahari and Eric M. Fell and Shijian Jin and Davoodi, Ali and Erlendur Jonsson and Min Wu and Clare P. Grey and Roy G. Gordon and Aziz Michel J.},
title = {In situ electrochemical recomposition of decomposed redox-active species in aqueous organic flow batteries},
journal = {Nature Chemistry},
year = {2022},
volume = {14},
number = {10},
month = {October},
issn = {1755-4330},
pages = {1103--1109},
numpages = {6},
keywords = {Electrochemistry Battery},


%0 Journal Article
%T In situ electrochemical recomposition of decomposed redox-active species in aqueous organic flow batteries
%A Yang Jing
%A Evan Wenbo Zhao
%A Marc-Antoni Goulet
%A Meisam Bahari
%A Eric M. Fell
%A Shijian Jin
%A Davoodi, Ali
%A Erlendur Jonsson
%A Min Wu
%A Clare P. Grey
%A Roy G. Gordon
%A Aziz Michel J.
%J Nature Chemistry
%@ 1755-4330
%D 2022
