IET Science, Measurement and Technology, ( ISI ), Volume (12), No (5), Year (2018-8) , Pages (678-683)

Title : ( Non‐linear MIMO identification of a Phantom Omni using LS‐SVR with a hybrid model selection )

Authors: Omid Naghash Almasi , Mohammad Hassan Khooban , Hamid Behzad ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


Here, a multiple-input–multiple-output (MIMO) Phantom Omni robot made by SensAble Technologies Inc. is identified by using a least-square support vector regression (LS-SVR). To this end, a two-stage hybrid optimisation strategy combining coupled simulated annealing as a priori optimisation strategy and a derivative-free Simplex method as a complementary stage is proposed to solve the LS-SVR model selection problem. This extra step is a fine-tuning procedure to enhance the optimal tuning parameters and hence lead LS-SVR to a better performance. Generalised v-fold cross-validation is considered as the criterion of LS-SVR model selection problem. The Phantom robot model is implemented via OPAL-RT to assess the performance of the proposed algorithm compared with firefly algorithm and adaptive particle swarm optimisation in solving LS-SVR model selection in practical application of the Phantom robot modelling. Finally, the proposed approach is validated and implemented in the hardware-in-the-loop based on OPAL-RT to integrate the fidelity of physical simulation as well as the flexibility of numerical simulations.


, phantom robot, identification
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author = {Omid Naghash Almasi and Mohammad Hassan Khooban and Behzad, Hamid},
title = {Non‐linear MIMO identification of a Phantom Omni using LS‐SVR with a hybrid model selection},
journal = {IET Science, Measurement and Technology},
year = {2018},
volume = {12},
number = {5},
month = {August},
issn = {1751-8830},
pages = {678--683},
numpages = {5},
keywords = {phantom robot; identification},


%0 Journal Article
%T Non‐linear MIMO identification of a Phantom Omni using LS‐SVR with a hybrid model selection
%A Omid Naghash Almasi
%A Mohammad Hassan Khooban
%A Behzad, Hamid
%J IET Science, Measurement and Technology
%@ 1751-8830
%D 2018
