Iranian Journal of Numerical Analysis and Optimization, Volume (7), No (2), Year (2017-10) , Pages (87-114)
Title : ( The state of the art in Dynamic Relaxation methods for structural mechanics Part 2: Applications )
Authors: Mohaamad Rezaiee Pajand , J. Alamatian , H. Rezaee ,Access to full-text not allowed by authors
The most signicant advances over the sixty years relative to the Dynamic Relaxation applications in structural engineering are summarized. Empha-sized are given towards plates, form nding, cable structures, dynamic analysis, and other applications. The role of DR solver in the linear and non-linear analyses is discussed. This investigation is undertaken to explain the application of the solution technique to the static, dynamic and stability problems. The inuence of the methods on the use of isotropic and composite materials, such as orthotropic and laminated ones, is briey covered. Critical analyses and suggestions regarding future research and applications will be presented.