Linear and Multilinear Algebra, ( ISI ), Volume (72), No (5), Year (2023-1) , Pages (751-763)

Title : ( q-Numerical radius inequalities for Hilbert space )

Authors: sadaf fakhri moghadam , Seyyed Alireza Kamel Mirmostafaee , Mohammad Janfada ,

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The aim of this paper is to study the q-numerical radius ωq(.)of bounded linear operators on Hilbert spaces. More precisely, first, we show thatωq(.)defines a norm which is equivalent to the opera-tor norm. Next, the following compatible generalization of Kittaneh’sinequality14(q2−q2)2‖T∗T+TT∗‖≤ω2q(T)≤q22(1−√1−q2)2×‖T∗T+TT∗‖.is obtained. Finally, some generalizations of q-numerical radius inequalities for composition of operators are established


, Numerical range, Numerical radius
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author = {Fakhri Moghadam, Sadaf and Kamel Mirmostafaee, Seyyed Alireza and Janfada, Mohammad},
title = {q-Numerical radius inequalities for Hilbert space},
journal = {Linear and Multilinear Algebra},
year = {2023},
volume = {72},
number = {5},
month = {January},
issn = {0308-1087},
pages = {751--763},
numpages = {12},
keywords = {Numerical range; Numerical radius},


%0 Journal Article
%T q-Numerical radius inequalities for Hilbert space
%A Fakhri Moghadam, Sadaf
%A Kamel Mirmostafaee, Seyyed Alireza
%A Janfada, Mohammad
%J Linear and Multilinear Algebra
%@ 0308-1087
%D 2023
