Title : ( Lockdown and Economic Recovery Policies During Coronavirus Pandemic: A Comparison Between Selected Countries )
Authors: maysam nasrindoost , Taghi Ebrahimi Salari , Hadi Esmaeilpour Moghadm ,Abstract
Covid-19 has caused significant damages to the economy of countries. Although economic losses are not limited to growth slowdown, the index of these losses can be considered an economic growth decrease. In the statistics presented in this article, we will see how countries faced negative economic growth during different seasons of 2020. As governments experienced Covid-19 in their country, they faced two primary occurs uncertainty about declining economic activity and Concerns about the collapse of the healthcare system. Then, governments have been forced to control the rate of spread through restrictions and lockdown while implementing economic stimulus policies. Therefore, the question of the present study is which countries have acted more efficiently in the simultaneous implementation of quarantine policy and economic recovery? This paper uses four indicators in 105 countries during 2020: \\\"Covid-19 economic stimulus Index\\\" (CESI),\\\" stringency Index\\\" (SI) as a measure of lockdown, \\\"economic growth rate\\\", and \\\"per capita mortality rate of Covid-19 \\\". Using DEAP software and with the DEA method, performance scores were calculated. We find that the research hypothesis cannot be rejected: the greater the scope of economic recovery or the smaller the Lockdown scale in a country, it does not necessarily lead to greater efficiency in reconstructing that economy. To know why more information is needed about the nature and function of the coronavirus. The conclusion of this paper that the return to pre-corona economic activity could not be due to efforts to control mortality and economic recovery suggests a path for future studies.