Monatshefte fur Mathematik, Volume (200), No (3), Year (2023-3) , Pages (605-625)

Title : ( A generalization of the Roberts orthogonality: from normed linear spaces to $$C^*$$-algebras )

Authors: Elias Faryad , Divya Khurana , Mohammad Sal Moslehian , Debmalya Sain ,

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We introduce and study an extension of the Roberts orthogonality, in the setting of C∗-algebras. More precisely, in a C∗-algebra A, for a,b∈A and a nonempty subset of A, say B, a is called B-Roberts orthogonal to b, denoted by a⊥BRb, if ∥a+bc∥=∥a−bc∥ for all c∈B. For certain special C∗-algebras, including the C∗-algebra of all 2×2 complex matrices, we obtain a nontrivial subset B such that the B-Roberts orthogonality coincides with the usual orthogonality. We also introduce a new concept of smoothness in normed linear spaces in terms of the additivity property of the usual Roberts orthogonality. A complete characterization of the same is obtained in the case of the classical ℓn∞ spaces.


, Roberts orthogonality Inner product orthogonality Additivity C*, algebra
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author = {Faryad, Elias and دیویا خورانا and Sal Moslehian, Mohammad and دبمالیا سین},
title = {A generalization of the Roberts orthogonality: from normed linear spaces to $$C^*$$-algebras},
journal = {Monatshefte fur Mathematik},
year = {2023},
volume = {200},
number = {3},
month = {March},
issn = {0026-9255},
pages = {605--625},
numpages = {20},
keywords = {Roberts orthogonality Inner product orthogonality Additivity C*-algebra},


%0 Journal Article
%T A generalization of the Roberts orthogonality: from normed linear spaces to $$C^*$$-algebras
%A Faryad, Elias
%A دیویا خورانا
%A Sal Moslehian, Mohammad
%A دبمالیا سین
%J Monatshefte fur Mathematik
%@ 0026-9255
%D 2023
