Contributions To Discrete Mathematics, Volume (17), No (1), Year (2022-5) , Pages (38-55)

Title : ( The endomorphisms monoids of helm graph and its generalization )

Authors: Aazam Rajabi Mashhadi , Ahmad Erfanian , A. AZIMI ,

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Let G be a graph. Then G is said to be End-regular if the set of all endomorphisms of G forms a regular monoid. In this paper, we discuss the End-regularity of Helm graphs and our generalization. We also prove that the generalized Helm graph is End-orthodox if and only if it is End-regular. Moreover, we investigate the End-regularity of the join of two generalized Helm graphs


, Helm graph, endomorphism, End-regular, End-orthodox, gen- eralized Helm graph, endospectrum, endotype.
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Rajabi Mashhadi, Aazam and Erfanian, Ahmad and A. AZIMI},
title = {The endomorphisms monoids of helm graph and its generalization},
journal = {Contributions To Discrete Mathematics},
year = {2022},
volume = {17},
number = {1},
month = {May},
issn = {1715-0868},
pages = {38--55},
numpages = {17},
keywords = {Helm graph; endomorphism; End-regular; End-orthodox; gen- eralized Helm graph; endospectrum; endotype.},


%0 Journal Article
%T The endomorphisms monoids of helm graph and its generalization
%A Rajabi Mashhadi, Aazam
%A Erfanian, Ahmad
%J Contributions To Discrete Mathematics
%@ 1715-0868
%D 2022
