Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, ( ISI ), Volume (180), Year (2023-9) , Pages (111440-11440)

Title : ( Theoretical design of Au–DPPh–Au molecular junction for use in organic field-effect transistors )

Authors: samira naserian maghani , Mohammad Izadyar , Elnaz Ranjbakhsh ,

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The electron transport properties of a newly designed model based on the molecular junction of 2,2′,6,6′-tetraphenyl-dipyranylidene (DPPh) between two Au electrodes were investigated. Density functional theory was applied in combination with the non-equilibrium Green\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s function method. In addition, scanning tunneling microscopy images and rectification ratio were analyzed to show the charge density intensity within the asymmetric and nonlinear behaviors of current (I) at applied voltages (V). The electronic properties, transmission coefficient, and I–V characteristics of the Au–DPPh–Au model along the z-axis are more favorable than that of the model along the y-axis. The different analyses showed that the Au–DPPh–Au model along the z-axis is a suitable molecular junction for use in organic field-effect transistor devices.


, Hetero, junctions NEGF method STM images Rectification ratio Transmission coefficient
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author = {Naserian Maghani, Samira and Izadyar, Mohammad and Ranjbakhsh, Elnaz},
title = {Theoretical design of Au–DPPh–Au molecular junction for use in organic field-effect transistors},
journal = {Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids},
year = {2023},
volume = {180},
month = {September},
issn = {0022-3697},
pages = {111440--11440},
numpages = {-100000},
keywords = {Hetero-junctions NEGF method STM images Rectification ratio Transmission coefficient},


%0 Journal Article
%T Theoretical design of Au–DPPh–Au molecular junction for use in organic field-effect transistors
%A Naserian Maghani, Samira
%A Izadyar, Mohammad
%A Ranjbakhsh, Elnaz
%J Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids
%@ 0022-3697
%D 2023
