European Physical Journal Plus, Volume (135), No (5), Year (2020-5)

Title : ( Digital holographic interferometry for measuring the absorbed three-dimensional dose distribution )

Authors: Mohamad Reza Rashidian Vaziri , Amir Mohammad beigzadeh , Farhood Ziaie , Mehrdad Yarahmadi ,

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Ionizing radiations are being widely used in a variety of medical and industrial applications in which the exact determination of the absorbed dose distribution is of crucial importance. Digital holographic interferometry (DHI) is an optical technique that uses lasers to produce fringe patterns which must be reconstructed to measure the physical quantities of interest. The DHI technique is sensitive to noise that makes it difficult to adopt this technique for practically measuring the absorbed dose. In this paper, a new approach to DHI has been developed based on using fringe contouring, polynomial phase fitting and inverse Abel transformation, to reconstruct the three-dimensional dose distribution in noisy conditions. In order to assess the feasibility of this approach in measuring the absorbed dose distributions in noisy conditions, the whole approach is modeled for high energy electrons. It is shown that the three-dimensional dose distribution inside the absorbing medium can be obtained with good accuracy even in the presence of considerable amounts of deliberately added noise to the holograms.


Laser Dosimetry
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author = {Rashidian Vaziri, Mohamad Reza and Amir Mohammad Beigzadeh and Farhood Ziaie and Mehrdad Yarahmadi},
title = {Digital holographic interferometry for measuring the absorbed three-dimensional dose distribution},
journal = {European Physical Journal Plus},
year = {2020},
volume = {135},
number = {5},
month = {May},
issn = {2190-5444},
keywords = {Laser Dosimetry},


%0 Journal Article
%T Digital holographic interferometry for measuring the absorbed three-dimensional dose distribution
%A Rashidian Vaziri, Mohamad Reza
%A Amir Mohammad Beigzadeh
%A Farhood Ziaie
%A Mehrdad Yarahmadi
%J European Physical Journal Plus
%@ 2190-5444
%D 2020
