Journal of Optics(India), Volume (48), No (2), Year (2019-6) , Pages (272-282)

Title : ( Fabrication of a simple and easy-to-make piezoelectric actuator and its use as phase shifter in digital speckle pattern interferometry )

Authors: Naser Partovi Shabestari , Mohamad Reza Rashidian Vaziri , Mahmood Bakhshandeh , Isa Alidokht , Younes Alizadeh ,

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In this report, design and assembly of a simple, easy-to-make and low-cost piezoelectric actuator (PZA) with one degree of freedom for application in phase-shifting interferometry is described. The PZA is designed in a way that its components can easily be manufactured and assembled. In the developed PZA, a series of ring-shaped piezo-ceramics are assembled inside a stainless steel case and through a couple of plate springs are preloaded. Planar electrodes are cut from a thin beryllium copper plate using wire-cut EDM and used on top and bottom sides of each ceramic plate. The supply voltage is applied to the electrodes by a designed control electronic circuit connected directly to a computer through a standard parallel port. A graphical user interface is developed in the MATLAB environment for controlling the converter. The electromechanical response of the PZA is studied by applying a calibration procedure based on using a Michelson interferometer. It is shown that by increasing the DC voltage from 0 to 200 V, the PZA has a good linear response. By using the PZA for strain field measurement in a rectangular steel plate, it is shown that the linear response of the designed PZA makes it a suitable candidate for use in Carré phase-shifting interferometry.


, Piezoelectric actuator, Carre´ phase shifting, Electronic speckle pattern interferometry, Strain measurement
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author = {Naser Partovi Shabestari and Rashidian Vaziri, Mohamad Reza and Mahmood Bakhshandeh and Isa Alidokht and Younes Alizadeh},
title = {Fabrication of a simple and easy-to-make piezoelectric actuator and its use as phase shifter in digital speckle pattern interferometry},
journal = {Journal of Optics(India)},
year = {2019},
volume = {48},
number = {2},
month = {June},
issn = {0972-8821},
pages = {272--282},
numpages = {10},
keywords = {Piezoelectric actuator; Carre´ phase shifting; Electronic speckle pattern interferometry; Strain measurement},


%0 Journal Article
%T Fabrication of a simple and easy-to-make piezoelectric actuator and its use as phase shifter in digital speckle pattern interferometry
%A Naser Partovi Shabestari
%A Rashidian Vaziri, Mohamad Reza
%A Mahmood Bakhshandeh
%A Isa Alidokht
%A Younes Alizadeh
%J Journal of Optics(India)
%@ 0972-8821
%D 2019
