Communications Biology, Volume (6), No (1), Year (2023-6)

Title : ( Molecular and cellular evidence for the impact of a hypertrophic cardiomyopathy-associated RAF1 variant on the structure and function of contractile machinery in bioartificial cardiac tissues )

Authors: Saeideh Nakhaeirad , Fereshteh Haghighi , Farhad Bazgir , Julia Dahlmann , Alexandra Viktoria Busley , Marcel Buchholzer , Karolin Kleemann , Anne Schanzer , Andrea Borchardt , Andreas Hahn , Martin Zenker , George Kensah , Mohammad R. Ahmadian ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


Noonan syndrome (NS), the most common among RASopathies, is caused by germline variants in genes encoding components of the RAS-MAPK pathway. Distinct variants, including the recurrent Ser257Leu substitution in RAF1, are associated with severe hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). Here, we investigated the elusive mechanistic link between NS-associated RAF1S257L and HCM using three-dimensional cardiac bodies and bioartificial cardiac tissues generated from patient-derived induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) harboring the pathogenic RAF1 c.770 C > T missense change. We characterize the molecular, structural, and functional consequences of aberrant RAF1–associated signaling on the cardiac models. Ultrastructural assessment of the sarcomere revealed a shortening of the I-bands along the Z disc area in both iPSC-derived RAF1S257L cardiomyocytes and myocardial tissue biopsies. The aforementioned changes correlated with the isoform shift of titin from a longer (N2BA) to a shorter isoform (N2B) that also affected the active force generation and contractile tensions. The genotype-phenotype correlation was confirmed using cardiomyocyte progeny of an isogenic gene-corrected RAF1S257L-iPSC line and was mainly reversed by MEK inhibition. Collectively, our findings uncovered a direct link between a RASopathy gene variant and the abnormal sarcomere structure resulting in a cardiac dysfunction that remarkably recapitulates the human disease.


, Noonan syndrome, RAF1, Hypertrophy, Sarcomere, mutation, RAS, induced pluripotent stem cells, differentiation
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Nakhaeirad, Saeideh and Fereshteh Haghighi and Farhad Bazgir and Julia Dahlmann and Alexandra Viktoria Busley and Marcel Buchholzer and Karolin Kleemann and Anne Schanzer and Andrea Borchardt and Andreas Hahn and Martin Zenker and George Kensah and Mohammad R. Ahmadian},
title = {Molecular and cellular evidence for the impact of a hypertrophic cardiomyopathy-associated RAF1 variant on the structure and function of contractile machinery in bioartificial cardiac tissues},
journal = {Communications Biology},
year = {2023},
volume = {6},
number = {1},
month = {June},
issn = {2399-3642},
keywords = {Noonan syndrome; RAF1; Hypertrophy; Sarcomere; mutation; RAS; induced pluripotent stem cells; differentiation},


%0 Journal Article
%T Molecular and cellular evidence for the impact of a hypertrophic cardiomyopathy-associated RAF1 variant on the structure and function of contractile machinery in bioartificial cardiac tissues
%A Nakhaeirad, Saeideh
%A Fereshteh Haghighi
%A Farhad Bazgir
%A Julia Dahlmann
%A Alexandra Viktoria Busley
%A Marcel Buchholzer
%A Karolin Kleemann
%A Anne Schanzer
%A Andrea Borchardt
%A Andreas Hahn
%A Martin Zenker
%A George Kensah
%A Mohammad R. Ahmadian
%J Communications Biology
%@ 2399-3642
%D 2023
