Nuclear Instruments and Methods in physics Research A, ( ISI ), Volume (864), Year (2017-8) , Pages (40-49)

Title : ( Modelling of a holographic interferometry based calorimeter for radiation dosimetry )

Authors: Amir Mohammad Beigzadeh , Mohamad Reza Rashidian Vaziri , Farhood Ziaie ,

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In this research work, a model for predicting the behaviour of holographic interferometry based calorimeter s for radiation dosimetry is introduced. Using this technique for radiation dosimetry via measuring the variations of refractive index due to energy deposition of radiation has several considerable advantages such as extreme sensitivity and ability of working without normally used temperature sensors that disturb the radiation field. We have shown that the results of our model are in good agreement with the experiments performed by other researchers under the same conditions. This model also reveals that these types of calorimeters have the additional and considerable merits of transforming the dose distribution to a set of discernible interference fringes.


, Radiation dosimetry, Holographic interferometry, Calorimetry, Fourier optics
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Amir Mohammad Beigzadeh and Rashidian Vaziri, Mohamad Reza and Farhood Ziaie},
title = {Modelling of a holographic interferometry based calorimeter for radiation dosimetry},
journal = {Nuclear Instruments and Methods in physics Research A},
year = {2017},
volume = {864},
month = {August},
issn = {0168-9002},
pages = {40--49},
numpages = {9},
keywords = {Radiation dosimetry; Holographic interferometry; Calorimetry; Fourier optics},


%0 Journal Article
%T Modelling of a holographic interferometry based calorimeter for radiation dosimetry
%A Amir Mohammad Beigzadeh
%A Rashidian Vaziri, Mohamad Reza
%A Farhood Ziaie
%J Nuclear Instruments and Methods in physics Research A
%@ 0168-9002
%D 2017
