International Journal of Body, Mind and Culture, Volume (10), No (2), Year (2023-4) , Pages (187-197)

Title : ( Gender identity in Iranian female adolescents: Perceived parenting style and positivism )

Authors: Seyyed Mohsen Asgharinekah , Zahra Maleki , Maryam Jokar , Mustafa Bolghan-Abadi ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


Background: The experiences in the family context are generally assumed to be of importance for later social-emotional adjustment. Parent-child interaction in the transitions between childhood and adolescence and between adolescence and adulthood provides the context for explaining interpersonal differences. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between perceived parental style and positivism with the gender identity of Tehran\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s female adolescents. Methods: In this study, the statistical population includes Tehran\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s female adolescents, and its statistical sample consists of 384 participants. The data was gathered using the Gender Identity Questionnaire for Adolescents (GIQ-Ad), the Perception of Parenting Styles (POPS), and Ingram and Wisnicki\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Positivism Questionnaire. Results: The mean of feminine characteristics among the girls was higher than their masculine characteristics. Furthermore, there was a positive, significant relationship between all indices of parenting style and positivism with the feminine and the male gender identity of female adolescents. The result of regression analysis showed that the four variables of mother\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s warmth, father\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s warmth, positivism, and mother\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s support could predict positivism. Conclusion: Various factors contribute to the development of gender identity in female adolescents. Our findings indicate the importance of perceived parenting style and positivism, highlighting the importance of focusing on factors enhancing mother-daughter relationship quality.


, Gender identity, Female adolescents, Parenting style, Positivism.
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Asgharinekah, Seyyed Mohsen and Maleki, Zahra and مریم جوکار and مصطفی بلقان آبادی},
title = {Gender identity in Iranian female adolescents: Perceived parenting style and positivism},
journal = {International Journal of Body, Mind and Culture},
year = {2023},
volume = {10},
number = {2},
month = {April},
issn = {2345-5802},
pages = {187--197},
numpages = {10},
keywords = {Gender identity; Female adolescents; Parenting style; Positivism.},


%0 Journal Article
%T Gender identity in Iranian female adolescents: Perceived parenting style and positivism
%A Asgharinekah, Seyyed Mohsen
%A Maleki, Zahra
%A مریم جوکار
%A مصطفی بلقان آبادی
%J International Journal of Body, Mind and Culture
%@ 2345-5802
%D 2023
