ژئو پلیتیک - Geopolitics Quarterly, Volume (19), No (72), Year (2022-4) , Pages (156-193)

Title : ( Geopolitical Challenges in the Formation of Nations in Central Asia and the Caucasus; A Comparative Study )

Authors: Hossein Akbari ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


Central Asian and Caucasian countries are among the countries that have faced numerous ups and downs in the process of nation-building, and they are currently facing various challenges, particularly in the geopolitical arena. Since nation-building is a process greatly influenced by a country\\\\\\\'s historical roots and events, Central Asian and Caucasian countries have unique coordinates despite sharing a part of history. This article examines the nation-building process in Central Asian and Caucasian countries through a comparative approach. It focuses on the practical geopolitical challenges of nation-building in these two regions. The study findings indicate that Due to differences in the social context, historical processes, and geopolitical features, Central Asia and the Caucasus countries have gone through two different patterns of nation formation. In particular, Central Asian countries face significant geopolitical challenges during this process.


, Central Asia, Caucasus, Nation, Nation-Building, Geopolitical Challenges
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author = {Akbari, Hossein},
title = {Geopolitical Challenges in the Formation of Nations in Central Asia and the Caucasus; A Comparative Study},
journal = {ژئو پلیتیک - Geopolitics Quarterly},
year = {2022},
volume = {19},
number = {72},
month = {April},
issn = {1735-4331},
pages = {156--193},
numpages = {37},
keywords = {Central Asia; Caucasus; Nation; Nation-Building; Geopolitical Challenges},


%0 Journal Article
%T Geopolitical Challenges in the Formation of Nations in Central Asia and the Caucasus; A Comparative Study
%A Akbari, Hossein
%J ژئو پلیتیک - Geopolitics Quarterly
%@ 1735-4331
%D 2022
