ژئو پلیتیک - Geopolitics Quarterly, Volume (19), No (2), Year (2023-4) , Pages (108-132)

Title : ( Future Research on Geo-Economic Relations between Iran and Africa )

Authors: Mohsen Janparvar , Kazem Zoghi Barani , sajed bahramijaf , Maryam Takrosta ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


Scenario writing is especially important in the field of geo-economics because it prepares geopolitical actors to take advantage of continuous international conditions in the best possible way and reduces risks as much as possible. In the meantime, the Islamic Republic of Iran, to shape its geo-economic relations with the countries of the African continent in general and North Africa in particular, as spaces with high capacity and attraction, necessarily needs to know and understand the upcoming scenarios. Therefore, the present research was done with descriptive and analytical methods and based on library and field findings (questionnaire). The findings of the research show that the 8 sources of power geography are \\\"investment opportunity for the private sector\\\", \\\"strong dependence on technical and engineering services\\\", \\\"cheap labour force\\\", \\\"the presence of rich non-metallic minerals\\\", \\\"availability of legal investment platforms\\\". Foreign direct (ease of investment)\\\", \\\"Entrepreneurial development\\\", \\\"wide agricultural capacities\\\" and \\\"Geoeconomic position (sea trade)\\\". respectively, the scores have had the greatest impact on the future of the geo-economic relations between Iran and Africa. The results of the scenario board show the semi-critical and critical situation of the future geo-economic relations between Iran and Africa, which makes it more important to revise the macro strategies and policies in this field.


Future Studies Economic Capacity Africa Islamic Republic of Iran
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Janparvar, Mohsen and Kazem Zoghi Barani and Bahramijaf, Sajed and Maryam Takrosta},
title = {Future Research on Geo-Economic Relations between Iran and Africa},
journal = {ژئو پلیتیک - Geopolitics Quarterly},
year = {2023},
volume = {19},
number = {2},
month = {April},
issn = {1735-4331},
pages = {108--132},
numpages = {24},
keywords = {Future Studies Economic Capacity Africa Islamic Republic of Iran},


%0 Journal Article
%T Future Research on Geo-Economic Relations between Iran and Africa
%A Janparvar, Mohsen
%A Kazem Zoghi Barani
%A Bahramijaf, Sajed
%A Maryam Takrosta
%J ژئو پلیتیک - Geopolitics Quarterly
%@ 1735-4331
%D 2023
