Topology and its Applications, ( ISI ), Volume (341), No (1), Year (2024-1) , Pages (108734-11)

Title : ( Some results on joint continuity of two variable set-valued mappings )

Authors: Seyyed Alireza Kamel Mirmostafaee , Lubica Hola ,

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In this paper, we will show that under certain circumstances, a two variable set-valued mapping $F:X \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\times Y \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\to 2^Z$ is jointly continuous on a set of the form $D\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\times \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\{y\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\}$, where $D$ is a dense $G_\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\delta$ subset of $X$ and $y\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\in Y$. Among some other results, we will show that if $X$ is a Baire space, $Y$ a topological space and $Z$ is a Tychonoff locally weakly $k$-developable space, then every set-valued mapping $F$ from $ X \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\times Y$ into compact subsets of $Z$, is Vietoris continuous at each point of $X \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\times \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\{y_0\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\}$, where $y_0 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\in Y$ is a $W$-point, provided that all its $x$-sections $F_x$ are Vietoris continuous and all its $y$-sections $F^y$ are Vietoris quasi-continuous. Our results improve some old related results in the literature.


, Set-valued function, Vietoris continuity, semi-continuity, quasi-continuity, strong quasi-continuity
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Kamel Mirmostafaee, Seyyed Alireza and لوبیکا هولا},
title = {Some results on joint continuity of two variable set-valued mappings},
journal = {Topology and its Applications},
year = {2024},
volume = {341},
number = {1},
month = {January},
issn = {0166-8641},
pages = {108734--11},
numpages = {-108723},
keywords = {Set-valued function; Vietoris continuity; semi-continuity; quasi-continuity; strong quasi-continuity},


%0 Journal Article
%T Some results on joint continuity of two variable set-valued mappings
%A Kamel Mirmostafaee, Seyyed Alireza
%A لوبیکا هولا
%J Topology and its Applications
%@ 0166-8641
%D 2024
