Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research, Volume (36), No (4), Year (2023-10) , Pages (602-630)

Title : ( A systematic literature review on collaborative innovation in the public sector )

Authors: Omid Ali Kharazmi , Shahla Dartoomi ,

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This study is conducted by a systematic review of 77 papers on open and collaborative innovation during 2010–2020 and explicates this concept in the public sector along with its actors, influencing factors, barriers and benefits. The conceptual model presented contains the aforementioned factors and offers a guiding light to public organization and other studies on collaborative innovation. The findings of the study identified the main actors in this type of collaboration. In addition, factors influencing and barriers to innovation can be classified into five categories: of individual, managerial, intra-organizational, inter-organizational/interactional and general factors and barriers. Finally, benefits of collaborative innovation can be considered in different categories of individual, organizational, social, economic, citizens and general. Among the factors and benefits of collaborative innovation, three concepts like creativity, knowledge and trust make a reinforcing cycle with innovation.


, Collaborative Innovation, Public Sector, Systematic Review
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author = {Kharazmi, Omid Ali and Dartoomi, Shahla},
title = {A systematic literature review on collaborative innovation in the public sector},
journal = {Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research},
year = {2023},
volume = {36},
number = {4},
month = {October},
issn = {1351-1610},
pages = {602--630},
numpages = {28},
keywords = {Collaborative Innovation; Public Sector; Systematic Review},


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%T A systematic literature review on collaborative innovation in the public sector
%A Kharazmi, Omid Ali
%A Dartoomi, Shahla
%J Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research
%@ 1351-1610
%D 2023
