Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences, ( ISI ), Year (2022-11)

Title : ( Simultaneous determination of mometasone furoate and calcipotriol in a binary mixture by validated HPLC and chemometric-assisted UV spectrophotometric methods and identification of degradation products by LC-MS )

Authors: Maryam Jahani , Maryam Akaberi , Taherh Heidari , Hossain Kamali , Mozhgan Nejabat , Omid Rajabi , Farzin Hadizadeh ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


Calcipotriol HPLC Mometasone furoate Spectrophotometric Stress study Validation


Calcipotriol HPLC Mometasone furoate Spectrophotometric Stress study Validation
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {مریم جهانی and مریم اکبری and Heidari, Taherh and حسین کمالی and مژگان نجابت and امید رجبی and فرزین هادیزاده},
title = {Simultaneous determination of mometasone furoate and calcipotriol in a binary mixture by validated HPLC and chemometric-assisted UV spectrophotometric methods and identification of degradation products by LC-MS},
journal = {Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences},
year = {2022},
month = {November},
issn = {2008-3866},
keywords = {Calcipotriol HPLC Mometasone furoate Spectrophotometric Stress study Validation},


%0 Journal Article
%T Simultaneous determination of mometasone furoate and calcipotriol in a binary mixture by validated HPLC and chemometric-assisted UV spectrophotometric methods and identification of degradation products by LC-MS
%A مریم جهانی
%A مریم اکبری
%A Heidari, Taherh
%A حسین کمالی
%A مژگان نجابت
%A امید رجبی
%A فرزین هادیزاده
%J Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences
%@ 2008-3866
%D 2022
