Journal of Materials Chemistry C, Volume (11), No (45), Year (2023-1) , Pages (16074-16084)

Title : ( Enhancing hydrogen generation through urea electro-oxidation on a bimetallic and dual-anionic NiFeSP/NF nanostructured electrode )

Authors: Shahab Paygozara , Alireza Sabour Rouhaghdama , Zhenyu Lic , Taihuan Shaoc , Ghasem Barati Darband , Ghasem Barati ,

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Besides reducing pollution and removing urea from wastewater, electro-oxidation of urea has also offered new prospects for filling the overall water gap for economically producing hydrogen. In this regard, a simple and low-cost electrochemical deposition technique was used to prepare a highly efficient bifunctional electrocatalyst for HER and UOR (in place of OER) on nickel foam (NiFeSP/NF). The three-dimensional and nanoporous NiFeSP/NF electrocatalyst demonstrated relatively high stability and electrocatalytic activity. Notably, the bimetallic and dual-anionic NiFeSP/NF electrode demonstrated good performance for HER (33, 105, and 132 mV at current densities of -10, -100, and -200, correspondingly), OER (1.451, 1.502, 1.528, 1.576 V vs. RHE at 10, 100, 200 and 400, and UOR (1.304, 1.346, 1.389 and 1.473 V vs. RHE at current densities of 10, 100, 200 and 400, in turn). Moreover, the use of the NiFeSP/NF||NiFeSP/NF pair as anode and cathode in an overall water-splitting system assisted by urea achieved 1.348 and 1.582 V vs. RHE at 10 and 100 in 1000.0 mM KOH with 330.0 mM urea solution, which is 163 and 234 mV lower than those conducted in 1000.0 mM KOH alkaline solution, respectively. Additionally, the NiFeSP/NF||NiFeSP/NF pair demonstrates long-term stability (30 h) in the chronopotentiometry test at 100 in 1000.0 mM KOH with 330.0 mM urea solution. This bimetallic and dual-anionic NiFeSP electrode exhibits substantial catalytic activity due to the appropriate synergy, between Fe and Ni, the modification of electronic structure enabled by the dual-anionic, and the enhanced electrocatalytic active surface caused by high porosity. The low cost and single-step manufacturing method of the NiFeSP electrode, high electrocatalytic activity, and stability make it potentially ideal for commercial use in hydrogen generation and wastewater treatment containing urea


No keywords
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Shahab Paygozara and علیرضا صبور روح‌قدما and ژنیو لیک and تای‌هوان شائوک and Barati Darband, Ghasem and جین یانگ لیک},
title = {Enhancing hydrogen generation through urea electro-oxidation on a bimetallic and dual-anionic NiFeSP/NF nanostructured electrode},
journal = {Journal of Materials Chemistry C},
year = {2023},
volume = {11},
number = {45},
month = {January},
issn = {2050-7526},
pages = {16074--16084},
numpages = {10},
keywords = {No keywords},


%0 Journal Article
%T Enhancing hydrogen generation through urea electro-oxidation on a bimetallic and dual-anionic NiFeSP/NF nanostructured electrode
%A Shahab Paygozara
%A علیرضا صبور روح‌قدما
%A ژنیو لیک
%A تای‌هوان شائوک
%A Barati Darband, Ghasem
%A جین یانگ لیک
%J Journal of Materials Chemistry C
%@ 2050-7526
%D 2023
