Journal of Applied Polymer Science, ( ISI ), Volume (141), No (3), Year (2023-10)

Title : ( Comments on “Polymer compatibility,” Journal of Applied Polymer Science 17.10 (1973): 3175 )

Authors: Salma Ghorab , Amirreza Malekzadeh Dirin , Hossein Jalaei salmani , Hamed Karkhanechi ,

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This concise note highlights certain errors, encompassing dimensional incon- sistency and flaws in the expression of fundamental relationships, associated with Schneier\\\'s equation. This equation was initially published in the Journal of Applied Polymer Science [17.10 (1973): 3175] and has subsequently found application in consequent studies.


, compatibilization, enthalpy of mixing, membranes, polymer blend
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Ghorab, Salma and Malekzadeh Dirin, Amirreza and Jalaei Salmani, Hossein and Karkhanechi, Hamed},
title = {Comments on “Polymer compatibility,” Journal of Applied Polymer Science 17.10 (1973): 3175},
journal = {Journal of Applied Polymer Science},
year = {2023},
volume = {141},
number = {3},
month = {October},
issn = {0021-8995},
keywords = {compatibilization; enthalpy of mixing; membranes; polymer blend},


%0 Journal Article
%T Comments on “Polymer compatibility,” Journal of Applied Polymer Science 17.10 (1973): 3175
%A Ghorab, Salma
%A Malekzadeh Dirin, Amirreza
%A Jalaei Salmani, Hossein
%A Karkhanechi, Hamed
%J Journal of Applied Polymer Science
%@ 0021-8995
%D 2023
