Optical Materials, Volume (148), No (1), Year (2024-2) , Pages (114845-114845)

Title : ( Design of narrowband infrared emitters by hybridizing guided-mode resonance structures with van der Waals materials )

Authors: Mehrdad Shokooh-Saremi , Maxime Giteau , Mitradeep Sarkar , Georgia T. Papadakis ,

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In this paper, narrowband emitters have been designed using particle swarm optimization (PSO) in the 10–20 μm infrared range. The device structure consists of an anisotropic α-MoO3 layer combined with the one- and two-dimensional guided-mode resonance structures. Well-defined absorption lines are present in the reflection spectrum for both TE and TM polarizations, thereby yielding narrowband emissivity at desired wavelengths. The band structure of the designed emitters under TM polarization demonstrates distinct features unlike its TE counterpart. These features are attributed to the interaction between guided-mode resonances and phonon polaritons. The results are relevant for applications in active and passive photonic elements in mid- and long-wave IR bands.


, Guided-mode resonance, van der Waals materials, Phonon polaritons, Diffraction gratings, Particle swarm optimization.
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Shokooh-Saremi, Mehrdad and Maxime Giteau and Mitradeep Sarkar and Georgia T. Papadakis},
title = {Design of narrowband infrared emitters by hybridizing guided-mode resonance structures with van der Waals materials},
journal = {Optical Materials},
year = {2024},
volume = {148},
number = {1},
month = {February},
issn = {0925-3467},
pages = {114845--114845},
numpages = {0},
keywords = {Guided-mode resonance; van der Waals materials; Phonon polaritons; Diffraction gratings; Particle swarm optimization.},


%0 Journal Article
%T Design of narrowband infrared emitters by hybridizing guided-mode resonance structures with van der Waals materials
%A Shokooh-Saremi, Mehrdad
%A Maxime Giteau
%A Mitradeep Sarkar
%A Georgia T. Papadakis
%J Optical Materials
%@ 0925-3467
%D 2024
