سمپوزیوم منطقه ای نوآوری در علم و فناوری , 2024-01-03

Title : ( Statistical investigation of the role of the catalyst in the process of chemical vapor deposition (CVD) )

Authors: Elahe Khosravifard , Mohammad Taghi Hamed Mosavian , Morteza Maghrebi ,

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Over the last decade, advancements in catalyst engineering have crucially impacted the manipulation and growth of VACNTs (Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotube), ensuring more control over their structural attributes and paving the way for innovations in materials science and nanotech applications.


برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Khosravifard, Elahe and Hamed Mosavian, Mohammad Taghi and Maghrebi, Morteza},
title = {Statistical investigation of the role of the catalyst in the process of chemical vapor deposition (CVD)},
booktitle = {سمپوزیوم منطقه ای نوآوری در علم و فناوری},
year = {2024},
location = {IRAN},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T Statistical investigation of the role of the catalyst in the process of chemical vapor deposition (CVD)
%A Khosravifard, Elahe
%A Hamed Mosavian, Mohammad Taghi
%A Maghrebi, Morteza
%J سمپوزیوم منطقه ای نوآوری در علم و فناوری
%D 2024
