22nd Iranian Inorganic Chemistry Conference , 2023-08-23

Title : ( Investigating the effect of copper(II) coordination compound with Carbonylbis(azanediyl)dibenzoic acid ligand on the phase-stabilization of ammonium nitrate )

Authors: Manizheh Badiee , Ruhollah Khajavian , Masoud Mirzaei Shahrabi ,

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برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Badiee, Manizheh and روح اله خواجویان and Mirzaei Shahrabi, Masoud},
title = {Investigating the effect of copper(II) coordination compound with Carbonylbis(azanediyl)dibenzoic acid ligand on the phase-stabilization of ammonium nitrate},
booktitle = {22nd Iranian Inorganic Chemistry Conference},
year = {2023},
location = {سنندج, IRAN},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T Investigating the effect of copper(II) coordination compound with Carbonylbis(azanediyl)dibenzoic acid ligand on the phase-stabilization of ammonium nitrate
%A Badiee, Manizheh
%A روح اله خواجویان
%A Mirzaei Shahrabi, Masoud
%J 22nd Iranian Inorganic Chemistry Conference
%D 2023
